Software Developer

Computer Engineer


Constantly striving to create high-quality software, which I achieve through careful development, implementation of tests and thorough code reviews.

I’ve experience dealing daily with developers, QA engineers, designers and Project Managers from around the globe, with my objective, clean and professional communication I’m able to maintain a good relation with whomever.

I am a quick learner and have a strong interest in emerging technologies. During my career, I’ve learned new stacks and I am always open to exploring new paths.



  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin for Android (XML and JetpackCompose), Java and SQL.
  • Frameworks: React, Nextjs, React Native, Angular, Spring Boot and NodeJS.
  • Tools: Git, Swagger, Jenkins, Postman, Charles, Flipper, Apollo, Firebase, Sentry and Fastlane.
  • State Management: Redux, React Query, Recoil and MutableState.
  • Experience with RESTful APIs and GraphQL.
  • SOLENNIAL - Front-end Software Developer | October 2023 - Present
    • o Languages and Frameworks - NextJS using Typescript;
    • o Tools - Github; Insomnia; Scrum; Swagger; Vercel; AWS; Google Analytics.
    • o Project
      • ▪ Solennial (NextJS | React)- Working as a solo front-end engineer, maintaining deployments, developing features, design, CD/CI, documentation, analytics and others.
  • PROFUSION - Front-end Software Developer | September 2021 - April 2023
    • o Languages and Frameworks - React Native using Typescript and Android (XML and Jetpack Compose) with Kotlin.
    • o Tools - Github, Gitlab and Azure; Postman and Insomnia; Charles and Flipper; Redux, Recoil and MutableState; Scrum and Kanban; Sentry and Firebase; Fastlane.
    • o Projects
      • ▪ Audacy (React Native)- Worked as a team member, after joining the project I managed to significantly improve the Android app performance by reducing unnecessary re-renders of the app and improving implementation of the media player bridge.
      • ▪ Traeger (Native Android)- Worked as a team member where I helped with the implementation of new features and bug fixes during the sprints. ▪ PLI (React Native) - Worked as a team member from the begin to the end of the project, helped with initial configuration of the software, new features, bug fixes and a deep dive into video streaming with the react-native-video library.
      • ▪ quickstart-android (Internal Profusion Project) - Worked as a team member (1 year) and a team leader (6 months), got the opportunity to lead a team of 8 developers, where I would set our goals for the sprint, interact with the client to understand the priorities, and guarantee that the team would be performing as expected.
  • TOTEM TI - Fullstack Junior Developer | April 2021 - September 2021
    • o Languages and Frameworks - Angular using Typescript, Spring Boot with Java;
    • o Tools - Bitbucket; Insomnia; Scrum and Kanban; Swagger; Confluence; Jenkins.


Computer Engineering - August 2022

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technologie from Mato Grosso (IFMT)

Final course work: Library Management Mobile App

Android and iOS app that allows a library to manage its books and customers.

Full stack project made with React native and typescript on the front end and NodeJs and typescript on the back end.

Front end Repo: github.com/rafaelbrun/biblioteca-ifmt

Back end Repo:github.com/rafaelbrun/biblioteca-ifmt-backend